Join us...

We cordially invite you to join us for the 13th annual Sacred Liturgy Conference hosted by the Dominican Friars of the Western Province in the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon. 

This year, the conference will take place at Queen of the Holy Rosary Dominican Parish from June 24-27, 2025, with the theme: “Manna from Heaven: The Bread of Life in the Eucharist.” Together, we will immerse ourselves in the divine mystery of the Eucharist, contemplating its profound significance and transformative power within our Catholic faith. Join us for fellowship, insightful discussions, and spiritual enrichment!

Many have found participation in this event to be a profoundly impactful and spiritually enriching experience.

“The mission of this conference from its inception has been to foster greater devotion, understanding, and love for the beauty and meaning of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Through a deeper understanding of the Eucharist as the source and summit of our faith and life in Christ, we find our mission, vocation and the true meaning of life.”

Distinguished speakers will include: Dr. Nathan Schmiedicke, Dr. Lawrence Feingold, Hegumen Damian Higgins, Dr. Lynne Bissonnette-Pitre (Schola Director), Fr. Bradley T. Elliott, O.P., Fr. Joseph Levine, Fr. Joseph Selinger, O.P., William Heyer Architect, Fr. Peter Do, O.P., Fr. Paul Raftery, O.P., and Fr. Joshua Clifton.

The registration fee includes 14 conference sessions, reserved seating at the liturgies, an opening reception, three catered lunches, coffee breaks and a concluding banquet dinner. 

Our Mission

Since 2013 the annual Sacred Liturgy Conferences have taught the meaning and rich heritage of the liturgy. The Liturgy of the Eucharist is a rich mystical jewel that can be explored from many different perspectives. Each year a different theme is chosen for the lectures of the conference. In 2017 the theme was “The Call of the Bridegroom” and explored the meaning of the call from the Holy Trinity to enter into relationship with Christ as Bridegroom. In 2018 the theme –”Transfiguration in the Eucharist”—emphasized the miraculous transforming power of the Eucharist. Each year our love, appreciation, and awe for Our Lord in the Eucharist is enriched and enhanced.

This conference is open to anyone interested in the treasures of the Catholic Faith, and promises to be intellectually, liturgically, and spiritually enriching.  Come join us as we deepen our understanding and love for the Holy Eucharist, the Catholic Faith and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.