Tuesday, June 24
12:00 pm | Registration (Siena Hall) |
12:00 pm | Sacrament of Reconciliation (Holy Rosary Church) |
1:15 pm | Sacred Music Concert – Schola Cantus Angelorum (Holy Rosary Church) |
2:15 pm | Welcome—Fr. Peter Do, O.P. (Siena Hall) |
2:30 pm |
Lecture I—Nathan Schmiedicke, PhD “From Dirt to Bread and Wine: A Eucharistic Manifesto for Biblical Maximalism Part I (The Old Testament)” |
3:30 pm |
Lecture II–Lawrence Feingold, STD “The Eucharist in the Fathers of the Church” |
5:00 pm |
Mass for The Birth of St. John the Baptist Celebrant: Fr. Joseph Selinger, O.P. (Holy Rosary Church) |
6:30 pm | Opening Reception (Siena Hall) |
Wednesday, June 25
7:00 am | Private Masses until 8:30am |
8:30 am | Recitation of the Holy Rosary (Holy Rosary Church) |
8:50 am | Opening Remarks—Fr. Joshua Clifton (*Siena Hall) |
9:00 am |
Lecture III—Fr. Bradley Elliott
“Change or Annihilation—the change from bread into The Body of Christ” |
10:00 am | Coffee break / refreshments |
10:30 am |
Lecture IV—Hegumen Damian Higgins
“Something Greater Than the Temple Is Here!” |
11:30 am | Angelus and Lunch |
12:45 pm |
Lecture V—Fr. Joseph Levine
“What Does It Mean to Eat the Bread of Angels?” Part I |
1:45 pm |
Lecture VI—Fr. Joseph Selinger, O.P. “Manna from Heaven—Bequeathing Knowledge of God and Self” |
2:45 pm | Coffee break / refreshments |
3:15 pm | Faculty Panel—Question and Answer Forum (Part I) |
4:30 pm | Sacrament of Reconciliation (Holy Rosary Church) |
5:00 pm |
Votive Mass Queen of the Holy Rosary Celebrant: Fr. Paul Raftery, O.P. |
Thursday, June 26
7:00 am | Private Masses until 8:30am |
8:30 am | Recitation of the Holy Rosary |
8:50 am | Opening Remarks—Fr. Joshua Clifton (*Siena Hall) |
9:00 am |
Lecture VII—William Heyer “How proper Sacred Architecture prepares for the Reception of the Eucharist” |
10:00 am | Coffee break / refreshments |
10:30 am |
Lecture VIII—Nathan Schmiedicke, PhD “From Bread and Wine to Christ: A Eucharistic Manifesto for Biblical Maximalism" Part II (The New Testament) |
11:30 am | Angelus and lunch |
12:45 pm |
Lecture IX—Lawrence Feingold, STD “Aquinas on Transubstantiation: Response to The Berengarian Heresy” |
1:45 pm |
Lecture X—Fr. Bradley Elliott, O.P. “Manna from Heaven; Man’s capacity to participate in God’s creative activity and governance in the world” |
2:45 pm | Coffee break / refreshments |
3:15 pm | Faculty Panel—Question and Answer Forum (Part II) |
4:30 pm |
Feast of St David, Byzantine Catholic Divine Liturgy Celebrant: Hegumen Damian Higgins |
Friday, June 27
7:00 am | Private Masses until 8:30am |
8:15 am | Recitation of the Holy Rosary (Holy Rosary Church) |
8:50 am | Opening Remarks—Fr. Joshua Clifton (*Siena Hall) |
9:00 am |
Lecture XI—Lawrence Feingold, STD “The Eucharistic Life” |
10:00 am | Coffee break / refreshments |
10:30 am |
Lecture XII—Nathan Schmiedicke, PhD “From Christ to Every Creature: Biblical Eucharistic Faith and the Life of the World to Come” |
11:30 am | Angelus and lunch |
12:45 pm |
Lecture XIII—Fr. Joseph Levine “What Does It Mean to Eat the Bread of Angels?” Part II |
1:45 pm |
Lecture XIV—Fr. Joseph Selinger, O.P. “Manna, Grace, Freewill, and Identity” |
2:45 pm | Coffee break / refreshments |
3:00 pm |
Faculty Panel—Question and Answer Part III |
4:30 pm |
Solemn Mass for the Sacred Heart of Jesus Celebrant: Fr. Peter Do, O.P. |
6:30 pm | Reception and Banquet dinner (Siena Hall) |
Saturday, June 28
8:00 am |
Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Celebrant: (tba) |
*All lectures, meals etc. will take place at Siena Hall next to Holy Rosary Parish.
All Liturgies will take place at Holy Rosary Parish.
Holy Rosary Parish/Siena Hall—375 NE Clackamas St, Portland, OR 97232
Lunch and coffee/refreshment breaks will be provided Wednesday-Friday.