
2019 MP4 video / MP3 Audio

Original price was: $85.00.Current price is: $45.00.

2019 Sacred Liturgy Conference

Over 12 hours of enlightening talks by preeminent scholars, theologians and religious. The 2019 theme is “The Living Waters of the Eucharist” and the keynote speaker is His Excellency Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone. Professionally recorded and encoded as Mp4 1080p video (MP3 audio also included) on a custom printed USB stick in a presentation case. Makes an excellent gift for your parish priest or loved ones and can also be used in a classroom setting with post discussion. Share with others and help to evangelize the beautiful gift of the Catholic faith!




The Sacramental Theology of Living Water
Msgr. Richard Huneger, STL

Mary in the Mystery of the Priesthood and the Mass
Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth, MA

Dew, Tears, and Torrents: The Living Waters of Tradition
Peter Kwasniewski, PhD

What happens when Jesus discusses Liturgy with a Foreign Woman
Nathan Schmiedicke, PhD

Eucharistic Contemplation on the Wings of Gregorian Chant
Rev. Gabriel Mosher, OP

Can Canon Law Legislate the Life-giving Water of the Liturgy?
Magdalen Ross, JCL

What Makes Holy Water Holy?
Reflections on the Rites for the Blessing of Holy Water
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone

The Holy Eucharist and the Living Water: Out of Whose Belly?
Nathan Schmiedicke, PhD

Gregorian Chant: Reservoir of Faith, Wellspring of Devotion
Peter Kwasniewski, PhD

China, Politics, Faith, and the Liturgical Village:
Cardinal Joseph Zen in Context
Anthony E. Clark, PhD / Joseph Cardinal Zen Ze-kiun, SDB

The Liturgical Space of the Liturgy
Enzo Salvaggi

Dying with Christ to be Born of the Spirit
Bishop Robert Vasa

Question and Answer Forums (Part 1 & 2)

Conference Homilies (Bishop Thomas Daly, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth, Rev. Gabriel Mosher, OP)

Conference Photo Highlights